When he looked at her, all he saw were particles of light. Sometimes she was green and sometimes she glowed purple and sometimes she was a rainbow in human form. Those are her chakras, his supervisor had once explained before drifting away.
He understood.
He understood her.
He wasn't sure she fully knew he was there, part of her life in this mysterious way that only the telepathy of souls can explain. Sometimes, though, she'd radiate her emotions in his direction and he'd breathe them in as if they were the very thing that would sustain his life.
Not that he had a life, not in the same way she did. She was chosen, after all, for a purpose that was different than his own. Not better or worse, necessarily, but different. He'd learned this distinction by listening to human thoughts and seeing how their colors changed the deeper they'd sink into their struggle to understand their earthly existence.
What if there was nothing to understand, though, he wondered. What if there was nothing but light?
She glowed pink with blush when he thought such things while near her.
Once, he'd hovered just outside her dreams, curious about what her human brain processed while she slept, and he was stunned to see it was a swirl of colors, like spilled oil on the pavement. The colors, they took the shapes of earthbound things like horses and birds and mountains and caves, but never human. When she rested, she returned to nature in this way, and he wondered if she ever woke up with the smell of fresh rain filling her senses.
Mostly, he waited for her to be done with this human form so she could return to him and tell him what it was like, really like, to walk and talk and be the one who contributed to the evolution of her unbound soul.
Without the restrictions that come with his role as her caretaker and her role as a human, they could melt together and be their highest frequencies, unparalleled equals as as beings are meant to be. Not like they are now in their hierarchy where she is the adventurer and he is the one who carries her home.
All he knows of her, anyway, is love.
She walks in human form to teach that love, to be that love, to express that love, no matter what.
He's watched her take this on so many times, so often in combat with others whose colors are encased with shiny, metallic armor that barricade them to sides. Whatever pain or suffering or hardship she faces as this avatar, he sees it shine through the colors she continually emits no matter what -- and he feels it through the emotions she conveys. It startles him when he knows she's hurting because he has never felt such things himself. He's only seen the colors and learned to decipher what they mean.
Sometimes when he sees her vibrations are especially low, he'll whisper telepathically, shh, darling, it will be ok, and he'll wait to see her dull spectrum brighten once more.
Does she know it's me? he asked his supervisor, who answered with a stillness that taught him it didn't matter either way.
It was his job to watch over her, nothing more. Watch and wait and sometimes whisper -- while she, that radical burst of light, conveyed the secrets of love to any human form who drew near.
Virtual Tip Jar: Venmo @sarahwolfstar
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